Distress rate trading is not for the faint hearted!
The term ‘distress rate’ seems to be out of fashion these days, but at Distress Rate Media we love it. Whether you call them opportunistic rates, private rates, last minute rates, or standby rates, all that really matters is how much you’ll save.
The advertising industry has become obsessed with data driven, overly accountable, heavily reportable media strategies. The highly profitable digital tsunami has led the charge on securing billions of dollars of the competitive media investment pie, and better still, promises complete tracking abilities. The question is whether this is the smart way to buy advertising and why won’t some big brands shift away from buying traditional media? Do they know something you don’t?
Arguably, traditional media has never been more affordable. We originally set up Distress Rate Media way back in 2010 when people started telling us that TV was dead, radio was gone, everyone will read newspapers on their devices by 2016, and outdoor isn’t measurable. What did we say? RUBBISH!
One thing that absolutely hasn’t changed is that you still need to buy media well. Imagine a company whose sole focus is to find you relevant opportunities. Imagine an agency that has an open door to all media providers that enables businesses access to their unsold media, in a way that won’t actually harm their brand. An offering to deliver all of your best opportunities in an easy communication direct to your inbox.
Let us surprise you with the household names that enjoy having a significant competitive edge, and like us, don’t really care what you call these type of rates, but who just want to keep taking advantage of them!
For more information check out distressratemedia.com.au or call 1300 022 032